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Vision II Theatre

June 2024

Chariton Area Chamber/Main Street is proud to feature one of our local contributing businesses in the monthly Small Business Spotlight.

This month, we are featuring 
Vision II Theatre, a community-owned business that has been in our community for almost thirty years. 

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What is your job title and role?

Will & Sarah Folkerts; managers of VIsion II Theatre. 

How long have you been in business in Chariton/Lucas County?

The Vision II Theatre has been in business since 1996. The theater is a community-owned business and we are the fourth managers since its inception. 

Describe your business

Vision II Theatre is a move theater which features two screen built by volunteers. Its first features were Happy Gilmore and Mr. Holland's Opus. We oversee all business, advertisement and operations of the move theater on a day-to-day basis. 


Was there a specific moment or realization where you made the decision to start your own business?

The move theater has always been special to us. Having worked at multiple positions, when the manager postion came open, it was an opportunity for us to make a positive change and to contiue to provide entertainment for the city of Chariton. 

What inspires you to keep at it each day?

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Movie theaters are in danger of closing due to streaming services. It is our goal to continue to innovate new ideas to bring in revenue in order for this community facility to stay open. 

Why did you choose Chariton for your business?

It was decided by a group of community members in the mid-1990's that Chariton needed an outlet to provide entertainment for its community and surrounding communities. Steps were then taken to secure funds and the building of the theater began soon after. 

What are your biggest challenges as a business owner?

Covid-19 was devastating to the cinema business, shutting down most movie theaters across the nation. We shut down twice and struggled to reopen. Many theaters never reopened. The biggest challenge has been to get our audience to come back and experience movies on the big screen instead of streaming them at home. 

What are your biggest rewards?

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Our biggest rewards would be conversing with our regulars and seeing them on a weekly basis, getting to know them and to see their reasctions to the moves that come to our screens. 

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What will people get from your business that they won't get anywhere else?

The best darn popcorn around! We provide top-notch experience with the lowest prices possible to offer entertainment and an escape for a couple of hours. 

Learn more about Vision II at:



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Chariton, IA 50049



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